
Life Sciences

Assistant Professor
Focus: Developmental Psychology

Speaker Request
Daniel Schoenfeld, PhD


  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Methodology, University at Albany
  • M.S. in Educational Psychology and Methodology, University at Albany
  • B.S. in Psychology, Syracuse University

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • Foundations of Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology: Childhood
  • Developmental Psychology: Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood
  • Developmental Psychology: Adult & Aging
  • Lifespan Development
  • Research Methods & Statistics

Selected Publications

Schoenfeld D & Yan Z (2012). Prevalence and correlates of internet addiction in undergraduate students: Assessing with two major measures. International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology, and Learning.


  • Schoenfeld D (2008). An exploration of internet addiction among college students: A dissertation proposal. Annual Educational Psychology and Methodology Student Research Poster Session. University at Albany, Albany, NY.
  • Schoenfeld D (2008). An exploration of internet addiction among college students. Albany Consortium for Instructional Design and Theory. University at Albany, Albany, NY.
  • Saddler B, Asaro K, & Schoenfeld D (2008). Multiple presentation: Enhancing the writing skills of students with disabilities. Counsel for Exceptional Children Annual Convention and Expo. Boston, MA.
  • Saddler B, Asaro K, & Schoenfeld D (2007). The state of revising intervention research: A meta-analysis in progress. Brown Bag Research Series Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology. University at Albany, Albany, NY.
  • Saddler B, Asaro K, Staulters M, & Schoenfeld D (2007). A meta-analysis of revising behaviors in children’s writing: A preliminary examination. Annual Educational Psychology and Methodology Student Research Poster Session. University at Albany, Albany, NY.