The Dose

Welcome to The Dose, the alumni blog for Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. You can find updates on your classmates and friends, news from campus, information on upcoming events and more. It’s for you, about you and designed with you in mind. You can submit information to be posted here (no promotions or pitches, please). We’ll post here about once a week, so check back often!

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October 3rd is the birthday of Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. On that day in 1881, the first classes were held, and a legacy was born.

Tell me about your path—was there a lightbulb moment for you? By my P2 year, I knew I was very interested in industry. I was mentored by Alisha Ahmed (2017), and soon after became involved in IPhO. During an IPhO networking event I met my future preceptor from